
Will Android Take Over The iOS?

The research firm ComScore has reported that in the U.S., Android is leading the market over iOS. According to their research reports, Android has secured 43.7 percent of the smartphone market share, rising from 38.1 percent registered at the end of May. The second place is held by Apple, with 27.3 percent. Both of these statistics were registered at the end of August.
The RIM’s BlackBerry OS took the third place in ComScore’s statistics, with 19.7 percent. In May, the company registered 24.7 percent, but it dropped 5 percent by the end of August. The Windows Phone 7 is going up slowly, nabbing 5.7 percent market share, clearly beating Symbian with its 1.8 percent.
In the U.S., the number of people who owned a smartphone in the period of May-August was with 10% higher than in March-May. The figure registered in August was 84.5 million. It’s now pretty obvious that Android is leading the American smartphone market, but to what extent is surely up for debate.
Another research firm, NPD, reported even more optimistic numbers for the giant Google. In the same period of time, May to August, NPD registered that 52 percent of all smartphones there were sold were Android-based. The same research firm confirmed that iOS managed to get only 29 percent of the market share, followed by the BlackBerry OS, with only 11 percent share. The rest, Windows Phone 7 and WebOS came with only 5 percent each.
ComScore did not only analyze the status of the current operating systems and their market shares, but they have also examined the most popular sellers during the same May-to-August three-month period. According to their statistics, the majority of the mobile subscribers were operating Samsung devices. Samsung held 25.3 percent of all mobile subscribers in the U.S. at that time. LG was following next with 21 percent, followed next by Motorola with a 14 percent of subscribers. Apple’s smartphones were being used by 9.8 percent of all U.S. mobile subscribers.
Apple was the last one, although the company registered the strongest growth on a quarter-over-quarter period, in comparison to any other company, raising with 1.1 percentage points. The only other company that registered growth was Samsung, with 0.5 percentage points.
Another interesting statistics from the ComScore study is that a percentage of 70.5 of all U.S mobile subscribers sent a SMS during the period of May-August. The second most popular activity was web surfing, with a percentage of 42.1. Also, according to ComScore, a percentage of 41.6 of all subscribers have downloaded and used apps.
The statistics are indicating a clear monopoly of the Android, clearly favoring the Google’s mobile operating system. But the market is buzzing at the moment. With the recent news about the passing away of Steve Jobs, and a new iPhone being released, a lot of people have started purchasing iPhones. Since there are a lot of people out there that have used cell phones for sale, there are also plenty of others who want to buy them. A used iPhone can easily be sold for $300-400, if it’s in a good shape. So, there’s a lot of good products on the used handsets market.

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